Clearly communicating your values and expectations is a crucial factor in your child’s success in the classroom. You must let both your child and the teacher know that you care about how much they learn and grow over the course of the year above and beyond grades. It does not matter if your child is doing well on tests only to forget the information within days or weeks of covering the material-- or worse, they resort to cheating.
Your child will be more likely desire being educated if you show how much you value it. Your child’s teacher(s) must have reinforcement at home to succeed at teaching your child in the classroom. You’d be surprised how much parental involvement steers the course in the classroom, even if you cannot be there the full day, Monday through Friday.
When I go into a classroom, I can tell which parents emphasize education at home and which ones have other priorities.
Here are some ways to express that you value education:
Your child will be more likely desire being educated if you show how much you value it. Your child’s teacher(s) must have reinforcement at home to succeed at teaching your child in the classroom. You’d be surprised how much parental involvement steers the course in the classroom, even if you cannot be there the full day, Monday through Friday.
When I go into a classroom, I can tell which parents emphasize education at home and which ones have other priorities.
Here are some ways to express that you value education:
- Know and discuss current issues (curriculum changes, redistricting, teacher shortages, course offerings) with both your child and the teacher at the appropriate time.
- Read literature (articles, books) and watch documentaries that stretch your own learning.
- Create opportunities to reinforce classroom lessons at home or within the community.
- If your child’s teacher sends a homework/communication folder home, check the work that is included. Don’t hesitate to send a note if you have questions or concerns. Is there enough homework? Is it challenging enough or too challenging?